So while you were busy binging, during the winter festival months, you didn’t quite account for the Coronavirus outbreak and how it would dampen your fitness plans. Suddenly, it’s that time of the year when you want to shed those pounds you gained in time for summer fabulous.
Well with a few precautions released by the Indian Register for Exercise Facilities (IREF), you can still aim to get that flat tummy and chiseled figure. The advisory released in public interest for all Gyms/ Fitness & Yoga Centres to strengthen the fight against Coronavirus are being circulated across all cities to ensure that exercise facilities are extra cautious and adhere to proper sanitizing and cleanliness norms.
The impact of Coronavirus has had a drastic impact on several sectors in the globally including the fitness sector, which has seen a massive drop in terms of individual participation. Speaking about the guidelines, Mr. Tahsin Zahid, Chief Operating Officer, SPEFL said, “exercise facilities need to be extra careful as these are the places for group gatherings and can act as a multiplier area, so it becomes imperative for Gyms and Fitness centers to help the government in controlling the spread of the virus. This does not mean people stop exercising, in fact people shall do more exercises as it will help boost the immunity which can be helpful.”

He further adds that, “Personal hygiene is the best preventive measure to avoid any chances of getting infected by Coronavirus. Even the exercise facilities should adhere to basic hygiene systems like Gym Machine Sanitization, Accessibility of Hand Sanitizers in the Gym, separate personal towels for each individual and regular disinfecting of washrooms and lockers.” Mr. Tahsin Zahid added.
Precautions for proprietors:
1. Ensure the gym premises, weight machines, free weights, shower cubicles and changing rooms are sanitize during sessions
2. Hand sanitization stations should be accessible and functions
3 Washrooms and lockers should be disinfected throughout the day
4. Users should be made aware of personal hygiene practices
Precautions for fitness enthusiast:
1. Use personal towels and not gym provided ones
2. Cover your mouth while sneezing or coughing with a disposable tissue
3. Don’t touch your face, mouth or try and wipe sweat without sanitizing or washing your hands
4. Don’t attend sessions, group or personal, if you are feeling sick
5. Wear a mask for group classes and in packed gyms
6. Don’t share personal items like bags, bottles etc
Finally don’t let Coronavirus come in the way of your fitness routine as fitness will help keep your stamina up and to boost your immunity.
So flex away!
READ ALSO: Cross fit for life