Encouraging Indian and Sri Lankan women to attend breast cancer screenings
This year the Cancer Institute of NSW and the NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service are aiming to improve breast-screening rates among women in the Indian and Sri Lankan communities of NSW.
According to the latest ABS census, Indian and Sri Lankan communities are one of the fastest growing populations in the State. This means there will be a significant increase in women aged 50-74 from these groups in the upcoming years.
Therefore, Indian and Sri Lankan communities and groups, along with welfare organisations and BreastScreen NSW services, are encouraged to promote breast cancer awareness and help increase breast screening for women in these communities.
A Community Leaders Forum is being held to provide an update on the latest breast screening information, and to identify potential areas of collaboration between organisations.
Saturday 13 September 2014
10:30am (for 11:00am start) – 1:00pm
Thornleigh Community Centre,
Cnr Phyllis and Central Avenues, Thornleigh
For more information contact Caroline Chen, NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service on caroline.chen@sesiahs.health.nsw.gov.au or phone 9816 0303.