
Pool friendly plant choices

7 low-maintenance ideas for pool landscaping

Reading Time: 3 minutes


Planting design around the swimming pool needs considerable consideration, involving time and research. Adding any plant that you like the look of, might simply not cut it if you want a lush, secluded, and safe backyard.

You may love your tropical poolside holidays, and idyllic images from Instagram about swimming pool havens, but remember not all plants thrive well near the pool. Choosing plants suitable to the local climatic conditions and your location is also vital.

You must take it into consideration factors like:

  • Will the plants shed leaves and clog your pool filter?
  • Are the roots invasive? Will they damage/crack the pool surrounds, pool walls or plumbing system?
  • Are the plants chosen safe for swimmers, with no thorny or spiky bits?

To avoid these pitfalls for your poolside, below are seven plant combinations that you could consider. These plants thrive near pools as they are salt and drought tolerant, are low maintenance, and safe to use around pools.

The Chinese Windmill: wikimedia commons

Exotic planting

Loved the beach resort last holidays? If you would like a beach resort look for your swimming pool surrounds, then these plant combinations will not disappoint you. Suitable for full sun to part shade locations.

Shrubs Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae), Chinese Windmill Palm (Trachycarpus fortunei)

Low level shrubs Zebra Grass (Miscanthus sinensis ‘Zebrinus’), Hebe.

READ ALSO: Native plants in your garden

Native Combo

If you want to give Australian natives a go, to transform your poolside to a countryside billabong, then this plant combo will give that effect. Suitable for full sun to light shade.

Trees Blueberry Ash (Eleocarpus reticulates), Swamp Banksia (Banksia robur)

Groundcover Prostrate Grevillea (Grevillea juniperina ‘Molongolo’) and Ice plant (Carpobrotus glaucescens)

Yucca. Source: wikimedia commons

Sculptured look

If your aim is to get a neat, clean, green look, then succulents and structured shrubs will help to enhance the walls near the pool and the reflection on the water. Suitable for full sun to part shade locations.

Shrubs Yucca, Reed feather grass (Calamagrostis x acutiflora Karl forester).

Groundcover Aeonium, Echeveria.


Mediterranean combo

If you have a large area to plant around the pool and have various levels, then a Mediterranean plant mix will provide a silvery foliage effect and attract pollinators.

Trees Olive tree (Olea europaea), Pencil pine (Cupressus sempervirens ‘Glauca’)

Low level shrubs Blue chalksticks (Seneico serpens) and French Lavender (Lavandula stoechas)

FrangiPani. Source: Canva

Tropical feel

If all you want is lushness and greenery around the pool, then a tropical oasis look can be achieved using the below plants. Suitable for full sun to part shade

Shrubs Sandankwa Viburnum (Viburnum Suspensum), Frangipani (Plumeria)

Low level shrubs Fern (Blechnum gibbum), Cycas revoluta (Sago palm)

Ophiopogon jaburan. Source: Creative commons

Resort looks

Always wanted your resort holidays to last longer? Then why not bring a piece of that staycation effect to your home by planting the below plants around the pool. Suitable for full sun to part shade area.

Trees Magnolia, Alexander Palm (Ptychosperma elegans)

Groundcover Giant Lilyturf (Ophiopogon jaburan), Star Jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides)


Small spaces

If the space around the pool is less, then opt for container planting of some of the plants mentioned here. Plunge pools are all the rage these days; it is easy to incorporate these into your landscape with a thoughtful design that suits the style of your home.

READ ALSO: Small garden ideas

Gopika Sambantham
Gopika Sambantham
Gopika Sambantham is a landscape designer by profession. A nature lover, she loves the adventurous pastimes and sports.

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