My job title Senior Cabin Crew at Virgin Australia
My educational qualification Bachelor in Aviation, Tourism & Hospitality Management from Institute of tourism and Future Management Trends (ITFT) Chandigarh, India
What my job entails As a Cabin Crew team member, I am responsible for the safety, welfare and comfort of guests throughout the flight. To become a cabin crew team member, I was required to complete a training course which includes learning all the safety and emergency procedures, which we then need to update every year.
What a typical day is like The day starts off two hours prior to departure of the flight we are operating, with sign on and a pre-flight briefing. Our flight manager will provide us with all relevant information about the flight, everyone’s working positions, and any special requirements. We are also quizzed on safety, emergency and first aid. The aircraft is then checked to make sure it is neat and tidy and we welcome guests on board and direct them to their seat. We then perform our safety briefing to our guests and check the cabin to make sure it is secure before the flight departs. Inflight service then commences once the seatbelt sign is switched off. When it’s finally time to land, the captain will then turn on the seatbelt signs and we secure the cabin again. Once our guests have disembarked and we’ve performed all safety checks, we will then make our way to the crew room for sign off and this is where I usually check my roster too.
What is tough about my job I think the hardest part is when I miss my family on trips away.
The positive aspectsÂ
Great workplace and rewarding career: Virgin Australia has a safe and collaborative working environment, where each and every employee is encouraged to reach their full potential. It provides you the opportunities to further spread your wings by offering you world class training and a promising career path.
Work life balance: There’s a good selection of roster bidding system to suit your lifestyle and flexibility, given our work hours are so varied.
Team work: I really enjoy working in such a diverse workforce, and have been able to learn a lot about different cultures since my time here.
Travel: I’ve always had a love of flying and of travel. I’ve travelled so much with this job and made fantastic memories! For instance, I’ve always wanted to travel to Hong Kong and this job made my dream come true. I fly frequently on that route now.
Lifelong learning opportunity: I love that we’re constantly upgrading our skills; there are exams every six months to keep us current. We’re not only refreshing our skills but also learning about new developments in the industry, such as the new 777 (which I will be flying on to LA tomorrow!)
Advice to others who may want to enter the industry Cabin crew are the face of the airline, so we are all expected to provide a highly polished and professional service, and always remain friendly, approachable and enthusiastic. Becoming a cabin crew team member will give you the perfect opportunity to get away from the repetitiveness of a normal 9 to 5 job. If you have a passion for travel, dedication and commitment, then I say go for it!  Every day will be different, you will learn fantastic customer service skills, become a team player and learn a lot about yourself too. For instance it amazes me that I’m able to speak comfortably with so many different people from different countries! One of my favourite parts about the job is the feeling of pride when a passenger appreciates and recognises my hard work after a long day.
Ramneek spoke with RAJNI ANAND LUTHRA
High flier
What a typical day is like in the skies. RAMNEEK DHILLON tells us about her work as cabin crew member

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