Neeraj Pandey's Sikandar Ka Muqaddar, another criminal thriller in Bollywood's expanding canon, aims high but falls short due to its own story blunders, poor...
Lucky Baskhar is a film that blends the thrill of financial crime with the emotional weight of a character-driven drama. By giving its protagonist the...
By some unhappy coincidence, three of Geeta Dutt's most iconic songs aptly reflect her spectacular - but unfortunately short and ultimately tragic - life....
Celebrated actors Suriya and Bobby Deol offered an exclusive preview into their latest film, Kanguva in a virtual press conference recently.
Set against a backdrop...
This Diwali (or diwali-ween) Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 hit theatres alongside the much-anticipated Singham Again, a star-studded project featuring nearly every big name in Bollywood....