Reading Time: 6 minutesTarot Predictions for the year 2024
Aries: March 21 – April 20
The March-April born could find themselves dumped with more responsibilities than they can handle in 2024. These could be due to others. Some of you may consider moving to a new home. Those in jobs could look for a new line of work. Being overworked will lead to you not finding joy in things you once loved doing. Be careful with expenses all year round. A long-drawn project is successfully completed. In business, take action only after you have complete clarity. |
Taurus: April 21 – May 20
A tough year to say the least. A family member could be in hospital, you may have to battle depression and stress and a relationship can break down due to infidelity. If handled well, there can be a reconciliation. On the positive side, your work life is good, great success and finances are foretold. Some of you may inherit some money. The self-employed can expand business from old contacts. Any setbacks are actually blessings in disguise and lead to spiritual growth. Tarot Predictions for the year 2024 |
Gemini: May 21 – June 20
Some of you might walk out of an unhappy relationship. Others might look for a work from home opportunity. A destiny card so changes that happen were meant to. A loss of the old way of existing or a change in lifestyle is foretold. Family reunions, spiritual quests and a change in attitudes will keep you busy all year. There could be a loss of income so avoid over-spending. But it could lead to a new opportunity and you will succeed.Tarot Predictions for the year 2024
Cancer: June 21 – July 20
Happy times are foretold for the July and late-June born. An unusual love affair is on the cards for singles. Others could have an ex make a comeback. You could be looking for a new job this year or a new app or software can make your life easier. There could be a wedding for some. Irregular eating and sleeping habits can make you unwell. Finances will improve. If you want better relationships, work on your self-love issues and have more faith.
Leo: July 21 – August 20
Singles could have an important affair; and it could come when you least expect it. All matters that are blocked or held up will get cleared as delays come to an end. Many of you will travel a lot this year. Good progress in business for the self-employed is foretold. You could even get new ideas for expansion. Negative feelings take a backseat. Take more onus on yourself if you want a certain outcome. The universe will send you what you need, have faith. Tarot Predictions for the year 2024 |
Virgo: August 21 – September 20
A slightly difficult year due to your mindset of lack; practice of gratitude is needed. Singles will not want to be with someone new as they could still be pining for an ex. Being overburdened with chores could lead to depression and anxiety so all this year, ensure you make time to relax and recharge. Money will come in spurts. At work, finding a new way to function could make life easier and use more of your talents. Look for spiritual guidance. Tarot Predictions for the year 2024 |
Libra: September 21 – October 20
Financial independence will be your goal in 2024. Singles could meet someone who is a Cancerian; but work takes precedence over love. Those in jobs could start their own business. Some of you could find something more in tune with your talents. Avoid binge eating to solve problems. A home-business will bring money but be clear about negotiations before you start. Any negative situation at home or work will end. Believe in what you deserve and the universe will send it to you.Tarot Predictions for the year 2024 |
Scorpio: October 21 – November 20
A major arcana card indicates that events this year are pre-destined. Singles will not compromise on the kind of person they seek. Some of you may buy a new home. As a cycle comes to an end, stress in some area of your life will reduce. Take care of your teeth. If money has been tight, relax, your finances increase. Change is on the horizon but you could still be feeling a lack of something. A time for calm after the storms of the past. Tarot Predictions for the year 2024 |
Sagittarius: November 21 – December 20
Those in a relationship will handle all issues with maturity. Singles could get an unexpected invitation from someone attracted to them. Though money may be slow initially, the pace will quicken with sudden boosts in income. Watch your mood swings and stay rational. If you have stomach or back aches; or feel your throat and ears are blocked, maybe you are suppressing what needs to be expressed. Practice letting go with every problem this year. Act on any new ideas you get.
Capricorn: December 21 – January 20
A destiny card indicates important events that were meant to happen. For some of you, a relationship could end. Others will find themselves feeling disappointed by someone close. Stress at work is best handled with self-control. Check for any cysts or lumps you may have. Money owed to you will come but not all of it. Take the middle path for best results in every upsetting situation. All the changes that happen will make you happy in the long run. |
Aquarius: January 21 – February 20
New beginnings for idealistic Aquarians bring the promise of all things good this year. Those in a relationship could want more affection or involvement. Singles will want someone special but won’t bother looking for one. The self-employed working from home could see a boost in work and income. You will allow yourself some fun time and material rewards for good work. A new opportunity or relationship is foretold. Good news regarding finances and health is on the anvil. A new year in the new year for sure.
Pisces: February 21 – March 20
Partnerships and team efforts will sustain you best through this year. Singles who are dating will decide whether to take it forward or not; others could get married. Some of you could meet someone who will help you achieve your goals. Business flourishes for the self-employed. Take rest if you have been working too hard. Focus on your goals, and align with those who will help you. Listen to your intuition and have more faith in the universe.Tarot Predictions for the year 2024
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Tarot Predictions for the year 2024