

Food as identity

The e-book is a light read, but loaded with opportunities to fondly recall the Fiji Indian experience from a culinary perspective

Young violinist to perform with Australian World Orchestra in India

Sagar Nagaraj has been invited to perform in India this month as part of the prestigious Australian World Orchestra (AWO), writes USHA RAMANUJAM ARVIND

Plenty of LOLs …. And some lessons

How closely does your family life reflect the Indian-Australian quandaries reflected in Vividha Arts’ new play Andhi Daud? writes NEHA MALUDE

A joy to behold

The young debutante was able to convince the audience, at the end of her performance at Newcastle’s St. Phillip Christian College, that she was indeed blessed with wonderful talent

IFFM 2018: Who wore what

Here's a quick round-up of what the celebrities wore on the red carpet at The Indian Film Festival Melbourne, who wowed us...and who didn't.

Muslim tales from the east

There was something for everyone – from mehndi to the tastefully curated artefacts from Keralite life, to Duff Muttu (a dance to a percussion instrument)

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