Where to celebrate Diwali in Sydney
Hindu Council of Australia’s Deepavali at Martin Place
Thu 17 Oct 11 am onwards, henna, pics in Indian costumes, Bollywood dance and music with workshops, giveaways. Details Nihal Agar 0412 618 893.
Hindu Council of Australia’s Deepavali Fair
Sat 26 Oct Sydney Olympic Park, Athletic Centre, 12 noon onwards. Special delights include food, rangoli competition, cultural show, Western Union Dance Contest, kids and youth activities, raavan effigy burning and fireworks. Details Nihal Agar 0412 618 893
NSW Indian Welfare Association
Sun 27 Oct Dance drama by Thrayee Dance School and a Tamil drama by Holsworthy Balar Malar. Ermington Community Centre, 10 River Road, Ermington. 5.30 pm to 8.30 pm. Details Sujatha Jaishankar 0404 880 693.
FAIA Diwali
Sun 27 Oct Federation of Australian Indian Associations (FAIA) presents “Shaam-e-Diwali” at Dundas Community Centre, 27 Sturt Street, Telopea, 4pm – 8pm. Details Neera Srivastava 0415 807 520.
VISION 2020 Diwali Dinner
Sat 2 Nov Annual Diwali dinner, 6.45 pm at The Don Moore Community Centre, Carlingford. Funds collected will be used to support a worthy project in Bangalore, India called MITU (Multiple Initiatives Towards Upliftment) to help provide an affordable and eco-friendly aid for personal hygiene to school girls in rural areas of India. ‘Special Diwali Sweets’ offer is on again. Don’t forget to place your order for Diwali sweets and savouries sourced from Grand Sweets and Adayar Ananda Bhavan, Chennai, India. (Tirunelveli Halwa sourced from Archana Sweets). Please email your orders as soon as possible to vision2020au@gmail.com Deadline with the vendor is 15 October 2013. Orders can be collected before the Diwali dinner event. Details Beema 0424 943 590.
Chinmaya Mission
Sun 10 Nov Diwali Trivia for the family. 9.30am to 11.30am at Crestwood Community Centre, Baulkham Hills. Free program, including pooja and trivia, lots of prizes to be won and silent auction. Details Chinmaya Sannidhi 02 8850 7400.
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Where to celebrate Diwali in Sydney

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