Singh Sabha Sports Club kept the trophy in Melbourne this year after winning the Brimbank Kabbadi tournament.
In a showdown against the Brisbane Kabaddi Club in the first tournament of the 2015 season, Singh Sabha thrashed their opposition by 13.5 points in the final.
The tournament was held in the Melbourne suburb of St Albans, under National Kabaddi Federation of Australia rules and regulations, with teams representing clubs from across Australia including Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney.
It was an action-packed day of fun also featuring other cultural activities including Sikh Gatka, a dhol competition and a showing from the Sikh Motorcycle Club of Australia. A football clinic, face painting and rides were organised for children.
Kabbadi is an ancient Indian sport with a history spanning thousands of years. In Australia, the modern version of the sport is played with two teams, each comprising four players.
Established in 1994, Singh Sabha Sports Club is one of the oldest Indian sporting clubs in Australia. With the sport of kabbadi flourishing in Australia, Singh Sabha has become one of the most successful clubs with the Kabbadi team winning several major tournaments over the past few years.
The team’s success in this event bodes well for their upcoming performance at the 28th annual Australian Sikh Games to be held in Coffs Harbour, NSW.
Photos: Alam Singh