
My wife posts funny videos of me on socials

Pranks, posts, and boundaries: When social media goes too far in a marriage

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Dear Auntyji

My wife and I are both 35 years old and we love each other dearly. Now I am an easy-going husband who generally goes along with whatever my wife suggests, because she is super smart.

But over the last six months, Sheena has started this very upsetting habit. She pulls pranks on me and then records this for social media for all our families and friends to watch.

For example, one evening I was watching the cricket. I was already super tense because Pat Cummins was bowling to Rishabh. Sheena sidled up to me in a long flowing white dress with her long black hair all in front of her face – like a churail with panga on her mind. This apparition was too much for me and I freely admit that I yelped like a six-year-old. As I visibly trembled and made an ‘eek’ sound, she laughed wildly – again, like a churail on charas. The video got 1100 laughing emojis, but I did not find it funny at all. Husband prankled by wife.

Another time, she dressed in black and stood by my bed at 11pm at night. My wild thrashing from fright and ‘eek’ sounds were captured for posterity for everyone to laugh at.

I have become entertainment for my family and friends, Auntyji. Hashtag Husband Pranked By Wife.

I tried to prank her once by sneaking up on her and saying boo as she was chopping the onions for dinner, but she swung around wildly and the knife missed my carotid artery by an inch.

Auntyji, I am tired of these pranks and I want her to stop – but Sheena loves the likes and thumbs-ups she is getting on the socials, so I don’t see her stopping anytime soon. What do I do, Auntyji? Husband pranked by wife

Auntyji says 

What kind of chua allows his dakini wife to abuse him like this? This is straight up and down abuse; she is not showing you any respect – probably because you don’t deserve it.

The first time this happened, you could have let it slide. But you have tolerated this for six months now, and you have fed the monster. Your paagal dayan of a wife who is besotted by her socials validation is using you as content, and she has effectively made you the laughing stock of the family.

A joke you have become, good sir.

Your wife is using you as bait, and in using and abusing you, she has effectively made you a chuha. Is that what you envisioned for your future as you took the saath phere with her?

So how to solve this? You have some options. Husband pranked by wife

One, you must tell your wife in no uncertain terms that these pranks must stop, that you will not tolerate them, and if she does it again, you will take severe action. And what happens if she does it again? Well, depends on how much of a mard you want to be. If you want to go for scorched earth policy, the next time a prank happens, immediately pack a bag and leave the house. Turn off your phone and stay in a hotel overnight. The next day, return to the house and tell her seriously that you will not tolerate her abusing you like that. Tell her she needs to respect your boundaries and that she is being cruel and unkind. Tell her that you didn’t marry a dayan. You have to be very, very firm; don’t accept that stupid claim that “it’s only a joke”. It’s not a joke – this is disrespectful, hurtful behaviour and you deserve better.

Your other option is to take her phone and hide it. This will irritate the hell out of her, but it’s not as humiliating as what she has been doing to you. Husband pranked by wife

So, my little friend, are you going to remain a chuha or are you going to thoko your chhathi (beat your chest) and claim what’s rightfully yours – your dignity?

READ ALSO: Auntyji: I am not a bot, you @#$%!

The original Australian sub-continental agony aunt. Email: info@indianlink.com.au

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