In a heartbreaking incident, two Indian students from Andhra Pradesh, Chaitanya Mupparaju and Surya Teja Bobba have lost their lives at the Millaa Millaa...
Selvamanickam Sinnathamby’s spiritual connect with Brisbane’s Indian community began when he arrived here in 1980. Today, his 42-year service is recognised by the government,...
India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi has appeared to confirm Scott Morrison's planned trip to India has been cancelled.
In a statement issued hours after the...
The Prime Minister and all the Commonwealth public service leaders are permanently offering their at least 20 working days paid leave, or 28 calendar...
Ten-year-old Akhash Karthikeyan of Pennant Hills NSW has won this year’s Indian Link Diwali Art Contest in the 8-12 years category.
Maanvi Dayal, 7,...