
5 memorable quotes by Rudyard Kipling

Remembering the popular literary figure on his birth anniversary.

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Best known for writing The Jungle Book, Nobel Prize winning author Rudyard Kipling lives on in the hearts of many literature lovers. He’s also a well-known Indian link in English literature, as he was born in Bombay and lived in the country as an adult for many years.

Whether it’s short stories, novels, poetry or even his essays, Rudyard Kipling’s work continues to make readers smile even today.

On his birth anniversary, we look back at some of the most memorable quotes from his writing. Happy reading!

  1. Believed to be a line from his speech at the Royal College of Surgeons, London in the 1920’s, Kipling’s quote describes the ability of literature to evoke strong emotions and change the way readers think or feel. 

rudyard kipling quote


2) This is from Kipling’s collection of short stories entitled The Eyes of Asia. It’s said to be his final book of fiction from India, with stories about Indian soldiers in Europe serving in World War II.  

rudyard kipling quote

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3) This quote is from Kipling’s other collection of short stories, Life’s Handicap. It’s a beautiful way of describing how history is often seen as facts and figures, instead of fascinating stories of people and their lives before our time.

quote from life's handicap


4) While it’s hard to narrow down the source of this one, it’s the sentiment that counts! This quote reminds us to stay passionate about the important things in our lives, while accepting that we’re only human and it’s alright not to be perfect. 

rudyard kipling quote


5) In difficult times and difficult years, this Kipling quote is a great message on how to be kind, open, and honest with the people around us. 


Do you have any favourite Rudyard Kipling quotes you’d like to share? Tell us in the comments!

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