We ask Aussies what they know about the Indian festival, Diwali
Diwali is the Festival of Lights. All I know is it’s like Fireworks Night in the UK. All over the UK, fireworks light up the night.
Barbara Taylor
I have many friends of Indian background, including Hindu and Sikhs. I find they love to wear lots of clothing with colour and they look especially happy. My understanding of Diwali celebrations is one full of a Festival of Lights. Somewhat similar to my Greek Orthodox religion, it signifies a time of sharing and giving. It signifies a time of empowering good over evil and bringing our God and Goddess back into our life and our homes with prayers and light from candles and lanterns that have been blessed.
Georgina Kritikos
Diwali is a Hindu festival with lights, held in the period of October to November. It is particularly associated with Lakshmi, the Goddess of Prosperity.
Julian Burns
I must confess to having no knowledge of the Diwali festival!
Sheryl Zurzolo
Diwali is all about colour, lights, and intricate patterns which form beautiful visual creations that can be admired. It is about paying respect to Hindu tradition and culture.
Amy Grace
I don’t know anything. It’s a festival?
Katelin Farnsworth
I’d never heard of Diwali until a friend asked me. Rather than admit my ignorance, I did some research and look forward to participating in the Festival if I get the chance.
Melissa Hiatt-Boyle
Diwali opens and lights up everyone’s hearts and all those beautiful lights seem to lift everyone’s spirits. Diwali is a very popular event that my partner and our friends celebrate. I love this event as people everywhere light candles, fireworks, lanterns and bonfires to illuminate this holiday. Everything lights up and looks beautiful!
Zlatko Varenina
When it comes to Diwali, more Australians need to see the light.
Carmel Shute